Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The science of mind of Crime

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On the dissimilar dimensions of criminal behavior and comprehension the mind of the criminal

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How is The science of mind of Crime

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Criminals have positive psychological features and are either exceptionally calm and composed or overtly aggressive and temperamental. Some criminals are extraordinarily enchanting whereas many criminals are of mean and low intelligence. Any way criminal behavior is not caused by aggression alone as there are some other factors that add to criminal behavior. Biologists have tried to furnish a genetic explanation of criminal tendencies suggesting that crime may run in the family or hardcore criminals have chromosomal/genetic aberrations. The convert in the levels of neuro-chemicals in the body can lead to criminal behavior as some neuro-chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin are directly connected with aggression and psychopathic behavior.

However the main and direct cause of criminal behavior in individuals would be family/ immediate environment and schools / group groups, personality, and moral development.

This is explained with the help of social-personal-moral dimensions of criminal behavior.

Social (Family/Environment) - Aggressive and criminal behavior is largely shaped by society and group groups, by friends, family and other people. Children who are encouraged to behave aggressively towards other citizen and also towards their parents can grow up to come to be criminals in later life. If parents and friends encourage aggressive behaviour or if a child always gets his way by shouting and crying, he will in most cases grow up to come to be a criminal. Greatest control or too much relaxation given to a child can cause severe harm to the permissible group and moral improvement of the child. The immediate group environment and the culture in which children are brought up are responsible for the improvement of criminal behavior so if a child company with other citizen who engage in criminal offenses or if he has a violent and aggressive family environment, criminal behavior is again likely. Sometimes children learn to take drugs or alcohol or carry weapons as they try to follow positive group behaviors and this is the foundation of crimes. Disorganized societies and environment as in case of broken homes, disruptive family environment, war zones, friction torn areas are extremely susceptible to crime and criminal activities. The group group or friends introduce the children to either the good things of life such as arts, knowledge and culture or to the negative side of life such as drugs, crime and alcohol and this is the process of group learning. Finally it is the individual who chooses which direction of life s/he will take and this decision largely depends on individual personality.

Personal (Personality/ Dispositions) - Personality disorders have been found to be closely connected with criminal behavior and the criminal is often a psychopath or an antisocial given to reasoning instability, irritability or Greatest aggression and argumentativeness. Some psychopaths are soft spoken and apparently charming and non-aggressive yet are capable of performing the most heinous crimes. Some personality patterns are more vulnerable to criminal behavior than some others. All these citizen have one thing in common, straight through their criminal behavior they try to leave reality and vent their frustrations by performing antisocial acts. The leave route is straight through the crimes and all criminals suffer from an avoidant/escapist personality pattern as they kill or steal because for a few moments they leave reality and its consequences and live in a hazy unreal world comprising only of their unconscious desires and thoughts. Performing a criminal act is like performing a play on a stage and when enchanting in a crime, criminals are in a dissimilar reasoning state altogether, which is not exactly normal. As immoderate alcohol also induces this reasoning 'haze', crime rates are often high in alcoholic conditions. Suicide is also a sort of crime although suicide happens when this reasoning obscuring in one's life is prolonged and is often connected with reasoning illnesses and depression. Manic hyper aroused conditions lead to crimes towards others and depression often leads to crime towards self.

Moral (Conformity/ Rationality) - Moral improvement of individuals is closely connected to conforming to positive norms and standards of society, and control of antisocial or negative behavior is precisely requisite in preventing delinquent behavior. Any way the stages of moral improvement should be understood to impart the positive or negative impact of non conformity. After compete moral development, individuals may pick to not conform to group standards and try to move beyond norms. This is not always negative and would be connected with novelty and creativity. Any way when moral improvement is hindered at an early stage of life when children ignore moral values and ethics of society for their own selfish pursuits and there is a perfect lack of external control, the moral improvement is truncated and lead to criminal behavior in later life. A restraining factor in crime is rational reasoning and if individuals can rationalize, reflect and understand the seriousness of crimes, they would be deterred from enchanting in crimes and would thus in turn aid their own moral and personal development. Agreeing to psychoanalysis we all have criminal/aggressive tendencies but a criminal is the one who directs the basic urges of aggression towards other citizen and the external world. Moral improvement of children would be dependent on some factors and Agreeing to psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg the first stage of moral reasoning is of obedience and avoiding punishment, the second stage is keeping up to expectations of family members and the final stage is enchanting beyond group conventions. Criminals are citizen who have incomplete moral improvement as their behavior may by motivated by a desire to break the law and challenge obedience and punishment, and this is largely dissimilar from mature nonconformity that is at times constructive. A criminal is thus recognized by his destructive and negative personality.

From this we move to the seminar on what exactly goes on in the mind of a criminal and what are the motivations that drive citizen to criminal activity. Some of the reasons for which citizen engage in crime would be jealousy/envy, frustration, necessity (for example: Greatest poverty), reasoning disorder (delusion), group disorganization, personal failures, group groups, family environment, work on of drugs/alcohol or neurochemical imbalance. individual circumstances are as foremost as the other general factors along social, personal and moral dimensions and criminal behavior could be more impulse / act oriented or planning /mind oriented. The 'impulse oriented' crime acts are impulsive and happen artlessly when for example, a man kills other in a fit of rage. The 'planning oriented' criminal could be a psychopath or a general someone although the coarse aspect would be their potential to plan the criminal act as a venture.

Unbelievable that it may sound, a occasion of crime is a occasion of indifference as the criminal does not integrate on his own feelings but on the act itself. Thus a criminal can come to be detached in the occasion of crime. In fact this is the force and the infirmity of the criminal, as detachment makes crime easy as the criminal divorces himself from the crime to forestall feelings of guilt and this same potential to get detached could be utilized positively, to construct detachment from the material aspects of life. Criminals if rehabilitated and properly trained can be great sources of force for the society as all criminals are also capable of devotion, measurement and detachment and could be successful religious leaders, group / humanitarian workers and counselors.

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